Friday, August 31, 2007

The Stable One

Even though I am living out my dream on the coast, and you all know how I need the sunshine...I still miss's my favorite season. Everyone make sure you go running early in the morning when it smells like cold, and go to a High School football game, and watch the Mavs for me. Marc, however, is not allowed to go camping until I return.

I don't know if you were aware, but if you'll look in the top right hand corner, you will see the word "Shasta". This is not an advertisement for the famous cola, nor the daisy. It's a link to my travel-buddy's blog. She is much more informative than the nonsense I write about so I'll suggest a look a hers when you get the chance. I also don't wish to be repetitive, so all the pictures of our new home are up on her site!

Can I just tell you how much I love her by the way? There are 7 girls in the world I'd give anything for and she is one of them. I couldn't have asked for a better friend to come with me. We are on the same page you know? We both have the same heightened curiosity to explore, questions about life, while maintaining the healthy fear of death that keeps me from feeling like a sissy when I don't want to bungee-jump off some bridge in New Zealand...skydiving maybe, but no bungee! She's been amazingly patient and grounded when things dont go as planned while I am charged by emotion. She's more than friendly to everyone we meet, and I've never had to carry a conversation. Not to mentioned, she's cooks dinner, shares all of her chocolate, and makes me laugh so hard I draw attention. I am blessed to know her, much less be around her and live with her for the next few months. Love you Shast!

I know, I know. "Put more pictures up". I'M WORKING ON IT! THERE'S BEEN A BATTERY CRISIS.