Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's funny how most of the time, I can't even remember where I left my glasses...yet, I can also remember the most random details. I remember exactly what I was wearing during my first kiss, exactly what the "rainbow room" looked like at the daycare I went to in Denton...and I remember the very first time I heard Eminem on the radio, when I was in my '93 Mitsubishi, driving to media tech class in high school. Isn't that weird?

I always kind of liked Eminem, but I wasn't really into rap/hip-hop enough to buy his cd's or anything. Fast forward to 2010 when I'm killing time in the airport waiting for my flight to Nashivlle to see Dave. I scanned the magazines, saw controversial Eminem on the cover of Spin, and read the interview on the flight. He is so fascinating! When I got home from Nashville I bought his latest album, "Recovery". I loved it. Then on a whim with amazon last week, I bought his autobiography and read it in one day.

I can't get enough of the underdog story. People who are able to rise above their situation...it's my favorite story there is. Not because I can relate...because my childhood had it pretty good...but I guess because it's always inspirational to want to push yourself farther than you are...no matter what level you're at. The odds of me ever getting to actually meet Marshall Mathers are pretty slim to none. So I'll just tell you, my little blog, my thoughts about him.

First of all, I've decided to start praying for him whenever I think about him. Sometimes, we forget that celebrities are actual humans just like us...and I think he could use some prayers just like I can. He seems to have had a really rough life, and it seems like he's had very little love in it. But, even though his story is harsh...it's still his story. It's sad that he had to grow up in the conditions he did...but look where he is because of it. It's sad that things didn't work out with his wife...but look at the daughter he got because of it. It's sad that he got caught up in drugs...but look how strong he is after it. His story is an interesting one, and there aren't too many out there like it.

I pray he gets to feel God's love. I pray against whatever little black raincloud that follows him. I pray protection for him, with the kind of fame he lives with. It sounds like he's doing his best as a father and I pray he continues to grow with that responsibility, as well as his influence on the rest of the world. I thank God for the story He's creating in him...that's probably inspired countless kids. I think it's amazing...the ability God has given him to rhyme words, to speak so fast, to connect beats together. It's incredible to me, how God has wired some people with that kind of talent. I pray he recognizes those talents as gifts, and that he uses them to the glory of God.

I think it's safe to say that I'm now a fan of rap. I've always liked a song here and there by various artists...but this biography opened me up to a whole world of more biographies, more albums, and more stories out there. Thank you Marshall.