Saturday, January 7, 2012

Les Miserables

I love this movie so much. Its so good. Apparently they are coming out with an onscreen musical version, with a big cast. EXCITED. ABOUT. THAT.

Revelation as of late. The last two guys I've dated, I've gone into the relationship knowing they were not perfect princes, and then after a time, I start resenting them for not being perfect princes. But who am I to judge? I am not perfect myself so how can I expect someone else to be. One of my favorite pieces of advice I just received from my mom in an email.

"I guess my 'wise' advice would be to have an open mind and heart next time. Spend a LOT of time with the guy and make HIM feel special too. Don't take it lightly if someone loves you; that too is a rare gift. ASK God for answers, don't try to read His mind."

I'm realizing that marriage is nothing more than a picture of my relationship with God. Marriage is not my god itself, but I've tried to make it one. My whole purpose for being has to do with God, including any and every relationship in my path. I used to believe that if I ever had a husband who cheated on me, that would be the ultimate worst thing that could ever happen. That would be the end of my world. But now, as horrific and evil as something like that is God who is more mighty and great than anything in this world. I MUST put my hope and trust in Him, for HE is my God....not some guy. Guys make terrible idols. Guys WILL fail me. And probably several more times in my lifetime. But, if my hope is in the One who made me...then nothing can crush me. So then, enough crying about a boy who was "seeing other people" in the first place. Enough.

Moving on. I am a little overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have to study. I have a HUGE test (and I am the world's worst test taker) coming up at the end of the month. My two weeks off work did NOT allot me the time to study ahead that I originally thought, so now I am desperately behind. Also, I bought a chronological-one-year-Bible which I'm really excited about...but that's one more thing that needs time. I also bought a workbook that walks through the book of Matthew, super excited about that too, yet it also needs time. You might disagree with me, but I think veg time is important too. Yes I could have studied last night after a long week of work...but I chose to watch a movie, because I needed to rest.

I cancelled my gym membership yesterday. I majored in Exercise Science so this might sound like a strange idea, but I have my justifications. First of all, I don't have time for the gym. I like to keep a pretty busy work and social schedule. Gyms are great for stay at home moms who live nearby and need some "me" time. Gyms are not great for people with busy schedules who live 20minutes away. It feels more like an errand, an obligation, rather than enjoyment. I ENJOY running at home. I ENJOY doing physical labor, or playing volleyball with friends. I don't enjoy finding a parking spot, at night time, at the crowded gym, weave in and out of people walking slow, be late for a class, or told what equipment is "reserved" for this or that class that costs EXTRA money. It's just too much. And too expensive. I can pay for my summer vacation with what I was spending on a gym. PLUS I majored in this stuff and it was even my profession for four years. I am perfectly capable of taking myself through an entire workout only using my body weight. No more gym for me.

Okay, time to study.
I love my mom.