Sunday, August 26, 2012

More Doing, Less Talking

For the past month I've been living in Austin during the week and back to Dallas on the weekends. Up until one week ago, I didn't have Internet or movies in the apartment, so I'd mostly read at night. But, if I had a hard day and just wanted to let my brain ride, I would watch the single video I have downloaded on my computer. The Art of Flight. It's so good.

When I was in high school I was lucky enough to take a media tech class and make skate board videos with my friends. For a while, I thought that was a career path I would be interested in. And then, I switched to physical therapy thinking there would be too much competition in the digital world and more security in physical therapy. Looks like neither of those really panned out so...

But, watching these snow board videos got me thinking. Thinking about how I'm not much of a doer. I probably DO about 30% of the stuff my mind comes up with. I'm a talker, a GREAT talker. I love to talk about how I'm going to do this or that. I'm an excellent watcher. I love to WATCH other people do cool stuff, or read about them, and tell all my friends. But watching and talking about a game will never, ever compare to what it's like out on the field.

I want to be a Doer. I've got ideas up my sleeve right now that I really want to tell you about...but then I'd just be talking wouldn't I? No. I think it will be much more exciting to show you these things as they happen instead. I've missed creativity. I've missed art. I've missed exercise. I look forward to a less demanding schedule this year that will allow me to pursue those things.

In unrelated news, I made an UNplanned trip to Dallas this weekend, for a funeral in support of a dear friend. We shut down the church after the reception, and made our way to one of the family member's house for the evening. Even though our reason for meeting and being together was tragic, I was affirmed in something I've always wanted. I've always wanted a BIG, CLOSE, family. I had cousins when I was little. Several of them. And we would see each other several times a year slide through Grandma's house on our socks and play on playgrounds. And through a series of whatever events, I don't see them anymore, and would be hard pressed to recognize them walking down a street now. But being with this family...this big, close, made me really want to have that some day. It made me realize how important it is to be involved with my own family, and hopefully marry someone who feels the same...and who wants to have/adopt bunches of kiddos. They made me feel so welcome and I'm so glad timing worked out to allow me to be there.