Sunday, April 10, 2011


I saw "Soul Surfer" last night. It was SO good I can't wait to see it again. Mom, you'll really like it, maybe I'll come down there soon and we can go see it. Bethany Hamilton is so inspirational!
And what do you know?! I was cleaning out the garage today and found and old disc someone had made for me when I was in Costa Rica...they photographed the very first time I ever caught a wave during the very first day I ever tried surfing. This would have been summer 2005. Just a warning, I am chuuuunkkyyyy in these pics. I remember I gained a lot of weight when I was there, just not sure how much....but if there is ever a motivator for working's pictures of yourself!!!

Look how small the wave is...can you even call that a wave?

Hello super-sized thighs!
That's Jess in the bottom middle.