Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Holiday

4 days off. Maybe everything on my to do list for this weekend wasn't quite checked off. But overall it has been a nice few days of rest. Friday I was supposed to go to my parents, but decided to use the day for other purposes instead. So I had time to actually make and enjoy French Toast...

Mowed and dispersed "Weed and Feed" over the front and backyards...
 Insert product placement here...
I'm not supposed to seed and fertilize until May 6, the whole neighborhood is hoping I remember...

They say you know it was a really good party when all the alcohol runs out. Well, I'm not sure what was said about my 30th birthday party way back in December, but I've had beer and oodles of wine bottles lingering about my kitchen. I've tried to take some of it to other parties I've attended, but that barely put a dent in it. I don't really drink by myself, or at home at all for that matter so I finally just gave in and poured out the rest of the beer in the fridge. Turns out beer doesn't "age" like wine does. Bottle recycle...

Been trying to cook more since I watched the fabulous documentary "Forks Over Knives". Cooking vegetables is very much less intimidating than trying to cook meat, and vegetables pretty much all go together. So Friday, not only did I have time to make breakfast, but I also took the time to cut up the last of the squash, tomatoes, and onion that I had, found the last of some whole wheat pasta and voila! Dinner...for the next several meals...concluding at lunch tomorrow...
 No ticket to Opening Day for the Rangers unlike my brother who knows people. But I DID get to watch it on TV...which is what I'm doing now as well!

Saturday I drove to the parents and hung out with the family. Sunday everyone dressed in their Easter best and went to my parents church. The girls were super cute in their dresses. And you'll never believe what happened in my parents little small town church that usually holds a hundred older people. A guy, with brown eyes, and marine physique actually walked up to me, introduced himself, and after a few minutes gave me his number and asked me to "dinner sometime". What the what? That has literally NEVER happened to me before. And I even have braces on right now! Super flattering. I still miss the familiarity of Jon like crazy, but that little stint at my parents church really boosted my confidence.

I love K's voice so much. I just want to put her in my pocket and pull her out every time I need something good. There is some kind of special bond between us and I wish I could have 4 daughters just like her. Maybe she is just that sugary sweet to everybody, but every single time I hear, "Auntie Carisse" I just melt for about 10 minutes. Not sure if I ever shared this story before, but a few years ago I was crying, over a boy or my future I'm sure. While I was crying I got a call from my brother, I didn't answer because I didn't want to sound like a sobbing mess so I just let it go to voicemail. When I called him back and asked what was up he said, "K said we should call you, when we asked her why we should do that she said, '...because she's sad'."  
...and they live in Maryland...totally weird.

And here is my precious baby boy. Isn't he sweet?...
Mom says we should just post this photo of Lucky Puck on the fence rather than BEWARE DOG.

K and her kite...

No wonder red roses are such a popular flower...
My mom, the gardener.

Picking wild flowers...

I LOVE this picture of my nephew cutie pie...

The pond on my parents place is slowly filling every time it rains. Anxious for the day its full, ready for swimming, and all the mud is settled.

The egg hunt...

The egg count...

Came home last night in order to get things done today. Namely cleaning, sewing buttons, running errands and looking for a bridesmaid dress. Instead I watched 3 movies and a Ranger game. Some days you just need to Sabbath.