Sunday, April 22, 2012


After watching "Forks Over Knives" I got really interested in the idea of a whole plant-based diet. Of course I delve into this sort of thing. Why do you think I majored in Exercise Science? The way the body works is fascinating to me. I only teach 8th grade Science at the moment because no one has offered me a  high school Anatomy class. That's the dream.

In the film they mention the "Engine 2 Diet", developed by a fireman at "Engine 2" in Austin. I was sold, bought the book, and have really enjoyed it so far. I began the concept yesterday with a hummus sandwich, homemade veggie lasagna, homemade blueberry pancakes this morning and now(above) homemade blueberry cobbler (which I haven't tried yet, but smells ah-mazing) with vanilla gelato to top. I REALLY enjoy cooking when I have the time, space, and materials. I hate grocery and kitchen tool shopping...but if I have everything I need I love the work of creating something.

Don't get me wrong now. I'm not going crazy vegan. I refuse to be the person that inconveniences others for a separate recipe, or asks the waiter for 27 alternates to their menu. BUT, when I'm cooking for myself at home, I hope to follow this guide pretty close. It's often cheaper to eat produce, beans, and nuts than fastfood. It certainly tastes better. It's easy to cook, and I KNOW its good for me. You don't have to look at the nutrition label on things God made. I still fully intend to let someone at the Blue Goose make yummy fajitas for me. I still fully intend to have a beer and a hot dog at the ball park. I will still go see Laura at the BBQ trailer in Corinth when I've had a bad week. But, more often than not, I hope to start making healthier choices rather than the 15lbs of unhealthy choices I've gained since I quit personal training, and started teaching 4 years ago. The band director at my work started this lifestyle last fall and has since lost 38lbs with brand new blood levels...and he hasn't even worked out one bit.

On another note, I was recently sucked into this Hallmark movie on TV called, "The Wish List". The girl dates guy after guy that doesn't work out, so she decides to make a list and not settle for anything less. She meets a guy who has everything on the list, and then she meets a quirky guy who has nothing on her list. Can you guess who she falls in love with? The moral of the story is that you can't plan love. Someone isn't necessarily right for you just because they meet some expectations on a made up list. And even though it was a cheesy, Sunday afternoon, Hallmark movie...there's a lot of truth in that. This is where I have failed on the last two guys. My mom gave me a similar pearl of wisdom in a recent email; Don't look for a replacement, and don't look for a fairy tale, she says. Look for someone you like spending time with.

I've had that feeling before. That feeling that there is nowhere else I'd rather be. That feeling where I don't ever want to leave the moment I am resting in. So that's who I'll keep an eye out for. The one I want to spend all my time with. No lists. No expectations. Taking life one week at a time. This week? Finish with STAAR testing, and movie night with friends. Next week? PORTLAND OREGON...Donald Miller, and a bunch of new and interesting friends!