Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's a's a's...Carisse?

So, you've had a really stressful week working long days 7am-7pm almost everyday. You still have work to complete on Sunday but you need at least one day for rest, recharge, forget about everything, and renew your spirit. What do you do to accomplish such a peace?...I reccommend skydiving.
Sorry mom. I didn't want to tell you ahead of time and cause unnecessary worry, but this was the reason I couldn't make it to your house this weekend. I had skydiving on the schedule. Skydiving has been something I've wanted to experience for a long time. And, as evidenced in most of my blog...if there is something I TALK about wanting to do long enough...there comes a point where you have the choice to either continue to be that broken record that "wants" to do something, or you can stop talking and actually do it. Alayna and I talked about this today, about how so few people actually pursue their dreams...and before you know it, 10yrs. has gone by and you're still talking about some desire to accomplish...and then another 10yrs. rolls by...and so on. I was saving skydiving for my 30th birthday present...but why? What's so special about that birthday anyway? It's not promised to me. I had an opportunity to go right now, with one of my best friends, at a discounted now becomes the time.
Skydiving is indescribible. It's different than I thought it'd be. They don't allow you much time to rattle the nerves. One minute you're on the ground, handing the nice lady your signed papers and the next minute you're in the air, strapped to a funny man with a mustache. I got a little nervous on the plane ride, praying the whole time...but as soon as it was time to jump, there wasn't really an option for fear, they don't give you time to back out. And, as I jumped out of the plane and arched my back, anticipating my next breath, I realized...I wasn't scared. When the parachute opened and we floated to the ground, there was never once even a sensation of falling. It's almost like you're just suspended in the air, not really moving at all.
Of course the possibility of death enters your mind. Before I left home this morning I gave shasta a big hug and promised her all of my apartment possessions should anything happen to me. But, once in the air, with the parachute fully expanded, I forgot all about death and felt complete peace. Not a care in the world, no minute stressors from my daily routine, no regrets from missing out on things in life ((though marriage and babies would be nice)), no grudges held, no thing left to accomplish. Just peace. Just me, and my Creator holding me, while I stare at the horizon and gently float back to the world.
It was a moment I will hold onto forever. It is the place I will go to in my head the next time I have 38 kids demanding my attention, or mounds of papers to grade. The weather was perfect, and I had a sweet day with the Lord, remembering the value of life.