Saturday, April 10, 2010

Las Vegas

Went to Las Vegas for spring break with 3 of my teacher friends. It was super fun, but i think one needs no more than 2 nights in Vegas to feel the city.

I think maybe I should blog a little more than i do. I really enjoyed writing on a regular basis when I was in Oz and, well my life is not just drastically different now, i think I've just allowed myself to adopt a different outlook.

I've allowed myself to get caught up in the Rat Race and i hate it. I choose to one up people by making sure they know how tired i am, or how many things i have on my calendar, or that my 55-60hr work week is sooo much worse than theirs so they really shouldnt complain. HOW VAIN IS THAT?

Im going to stop using phrases like, "I'll have my life back after ______". Thats stupid. I have my life right now. I choose how to spend my time. And I remember being a substitute teacher, or that crazy science job I had and I would hear teachers in the lunch room bitch about how hard they had it. And i thought to myself, "Lord, if you let me have a teaching job I will NEVER complain, because i will remember what its like to have 3 jobs at a time and only make $20k."
Well that didnt last long. You get around other people that complain and it starts coming out of your own mouth. Complaining allows you to fit in. Well i need to be DONE with that. Like cold turkey done.

Yes, I work a lot. But i chose this job. And I get a total of THREE MONTHS off a year. What other profession can say that? Before I was a teacher I only got about three days off a year, and whenever I didnt work, i didnt get paid!

I just went home sick from school yesterday and you know what? My paycheck will still be the same this month. Because my job has graciously built in sick days. Personal Training never gave me that. If I got sick as a trainer, I'd have to cancel(and piss off) my clients, and then my paycheck would be drastically smaller at the end of the week.

I have so little to complain about I need to remember to be more thankful. Here is the truth people. Life is not fair. Its a cliche statement but its true. There will ALWAYS be people in this world that do less than me and get paid more. There will ALWAYS be people in this world that work harder than me and get paid less. Its just how it goes. And Jesus tells us this.

Matthew 20:1-16.
The Parable of the vineyard workers. A man hires men to work in the morning, at noon, and the afternoon and at the end of the day they all get paid the same even though the last group only worked one hour. So of course, (like me) the first workers complain that this is unfair. And this is how the Owner responds:
"Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?"..."So the last will be first, and the first will be last."