Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break 2k11

What does "South By Southwest" mean anyway? Texas is south...and central...and the bands/films come from all over the world...I don't get it. But whatever it means, I had a GREAT time on spring break in Austin. I love that city, I hope I'm not too old to move there. It IS such a college town. But the river and hills are so beautiful, and I love that the night scene seems to mostly be in one central area.

I got to see a few films and hear a few bands. Some bands I couldn't get into without a bracelet, but overall I loved they experience. Probably my FAVORITE show was "Thao with the Get Down Stay Down". That girl was SO cool. Not only did I love her music, but here hair is cool, her dress was cool, her electric guitar was cool, her band was cool. Man, I'd give anything to be a rock star. What a fun job.

I got snow cones, lots of good food, lots of good wine...and more importantly, I finally got to see LITERALLY everyone I know who lives in Austin. I really don't think I missed anyone. Usually when I make a weekend trip to Austin, its usually for a purpose, with a few people and that entail makes me miss out on seeing several other people, but being there a whole week allowed me enough free time to catch up with friends old and new. I love all of them so much.

In other news, Operation Lose Ten Pounds begins tomorrow. It's time to face the facts folks. My body is 29 years old. She doesn't metabolize the way she used to. I used to have way better arms, abs, and thighs when I was a personal trainer. I also used to be able to eat whatever I wanted. Those days are gone though so now I have to try. So starting tomorrow:
- only ONE sweet per day. Keep a conscious eye on my calories without writing things down like a crazy person (after majoring/working in this stuff, i can eyeball how many calories i need/have).
-workout as often as possible. I actually DO enjoy it if I can get past the lethargy of changing clothes and thereby reducing my stress level.
-ride my bike a lot now that I got it all tuned up with new inner tubes!

My reasons for renewing this discipline are 3 fold;
#1...I'm vain and I want my clothes to fit well.
#2...I just realized I'm in a wedding in about 12 weeks.
#3...This lady who calculated my body fat with calipers told me I have 20% body fat, and most of it is in my thighs. Awesome. Thanks for the inherited pear-shape, Rutherford side of the family.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is on!!! Better go watch this episode before bedtime!