Sunday, October 23, 2011


I've never been a sports enthusiast. As pitiful as this sounds, I kind of associated games on TV when I was a kid, as times that dad was too busy to play catch with me. I also didn't like all the yelling at the TV. I played a little rec softball growing up. I played a little volleyball in high school. But that's the extent. Every other extra curricular I ever had was more recitals, dance classes, drama, making videos, even riding horses. I grew up going to Ranger games and viewing them as nothing more than a social medium. My college boyfriend took me to several games and I would feel irritated at the extra innings, sitting there in the heat with sweat dripping down my knees.

However, slowly over time...sports have somehow crept their way into my life. I had several friends on the hockey team in high I would go to hockey games and really enjoyed them. I remember back in 2007, sitting in my alternative teaching class and my teacher going on and on about the Dallas Mavericks. For some reason, when I got home that night I turned the game roommate wasn't home that night and I think that was the first time I sat by myself and watched an entire sports event on TV. And from there, I was hooked on the Mavericks. I love watching basketball, but especially the home team.

Then there is now. Maybe its because the Rangers have never in my lifetime been this good...maybe its because God has consistently put not only Ranger fans, but Ranger crazy nut fans in my life...that maybe it just finally stuck this year? But I find myself watching the games on TV, even alone, hoping for the best for "our" guys. I'm still not someone that yells about this sort of thing, or pretends to know even basic statistics. But something does feel pretty exciting when they win. Not to mention my small crush on Nelson Cruz. He's probably a cliche player to favor but I'm okay with that. I mean just look at him. Combine that with his powerful home runs that save the day, and the fact that he is strong enough to even knock a ball that far. It's pretty great.

Anyways, life is still super busy right now. I need this to be my last year of coaching. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for me come June. I can't tell if this is a situation where I need to suck it up and feel lucky to have a job...or if its time to say enough is enough and pull myself out of this situation. Only time will tell. I suppose if the outlook is that coaching is my only option for staying at my school, then I should send my resume out to L.A., Austin, and surrounding Corinth areas and go from there. I've always felt like there are two choices when life hands me lemons...I can either stop bitching about it and learn to cope, or I can do something about it. What I CAN'T do, is wallow and continue to complain. That is a lose/lose situation. So for now, praying. Go Rangers.

Friday, October 7, 2011

So tired...

I went to bed at 9:30pm last night. I think I slept in one position until my alarm went off.
2 weeks ago had a lovely weekend celebrating Alayna's big 3-0. Last weekend I had a restful weekend in the country at the parents. This weekend: Vic's baby shower tonight, a ticket to Mute Math tomorrow night...but after that, no plans as of noon on Sunday(glorious)...and Monday off....the only reason to be thankful for Columbus.

While I enjoy a steady schedule, I don't like being this busy. I don't like when my life is filled to the brim with obligations and only sprinkled with fun. The price I pay for 3 months off I guess...just feel like life slips past me when its this busy though. Like I've got my finger on the fast forward button. I wish we didn't need money, and we could all just spend our time on earth doing only the things we love. Perhaps I'd be whining about something else if that were the case. Either way, 10:30pm on Friday night and I find myself ready for bed.

Goodnight moon.