Monday, December 5, 2011

Long Blog

This blog will be a long one. I've been meaning to catch up for a while now.
Los Angeles #6, Thanksgiving, Anonymity, New Roomie, and Excuses. Here we go.

Meet the newest baby Burge! What a cutie and such a good lil' baby! I realized that this was my SIXTH time to L.A. in the last 6 I guess I'm averaging going about once a year. I enjoy it so much though. I love Hermosa Beach, I love Jane and Toby, and it's always a good time in L.A.

 Fun tip in case you wanted to know. I took the below picture twice, once with flash once without. The one without flash looked like a dreary cloudy day, but put the flash on when the sun is setting behind the subject and look at all the pretty colors that come out!

Came back from L.A. for a day, went to Chrissy and Garret's lovely wedding reception, and then off to Winnsboro for Thanksgiving with the family. I had a great time and love getting to see all my little nieces and nephew. They are each such sweet and pretty kiddos and I love all of their little personalities. Good food, and good family, I have much to be thankful for.

I am about to make the comments section on this blog for people with accounts only. Allowing anonymous comments allows randoms to post advertisement type things and I don't like that. Mom you can just email comments, you kind of do that anyway. Sometimes I think about changing the address on this blog and making it a little better...a little more focused...I don't know...just thoughts...

I got a new roomie! Remember when I went to Southeast Asia a couple of summers ago? I went to visit my friend Ginny? Well she's moved back to the states and guess who she's living with? Me! It's nice to have a house of three again.

And last, my thoughts on excuses. I make excuses a lot. The majority of the time, I've noticed my excuses are directly related to protecting my lazy time. Now, lazy time IS important. I truly do feel like I work my ass off during the week when I'm at school. I would go crazy or get sick if I didn't have SOME time where I'm not on my feet making a thousand decisions a day. But, I've noticed this first with my body. My body is not in the condition I would like it to be in. My clothes don't fit the way I would like them to fit. My excuse is that the gym that I am currently donating money to is too far away and I work long hours so when I get off work I just want to go home. What if though? What if I didn't view the gym as this second job that was impossible to incorporate into a day? What if I just detoured on the way home and went in for 30mins? Things would probably change for my body and my negativity. Or maybe its time to stop paying for a gym altogether? I majored in excercise for Pete's sake...I could just as easily come home and make myself go for a run before dinner.

Excuses are not limited to fitness though. I let excuses create a pile of ungraded papers at school, excuses keep me coaching and keep me from moving, excuses keep me from getting my master's degree, excuses keep me from buying that DSLR and starting a photography business. Excuses, excuses, excuses. There ARE times when its best to say no. But I believe I have let excuses find a new level in my life. If I want to be the type of woman that let's her "yes' be yes and no's no", then perhaps I should be a little more careful with commitments I make to both myself and others. When I look back on my life I want to be proud of how I used these short years, and how I spent my time. I want to be content in where I am, not constantly living in the future version of me that I put off until tomorrow.