Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Portland, Here I Come!!!

In just 11 short days I will be in Portland, Oregon! I am beyond excited about this. I even had a hard time making the decision to take off a whole 3 days of school, but I think it will be well worth it. Donald Miller is holding a "Storyline Conference" that takes practical techniques used it writing a good story, and applying them to your life to make a better story. Have I mentioned he is my favorite author? I am so incredibly stoked. Just setting aside some real time to map out my life goals, big and small, will be so beneficial. Most of the time I put towards analyzing life is usually on the drive home when I'm sharing my attention with, ya know, driving...or during the usual TAKS tests when I spend an 8 hour day jotting lists, daydreaming, and breathing. Oh Portland, I can't wait to see you again my love!