Sunday, September 30, 2012

33 weeks

Two months down in Austin. I truly do love this city. Breathtaking views of the sunset, the town, the moon, every time I drive an over pass. On Wednesday I jogged down the greenbelt, swam in Barton springs, and played two holes of disc golf on the way back. All without setting foot in a car. Job still sucks, and friends, this is not the sort of situation I need a pep-talk for. The job sucks now, and it will continue to suck until June. I refuse to be naive or falsely hopeful for anything different. But you know what? IT'S OKAY. For hundreds of years people have been mining coal, building railroads, stuck in cubicles, talked down to, commuted in traffic, etc... This is just one of those segments in my life that's difficult, that I have to work through and learn from. And I'm grateful for a chance to dig deep and learn lessons. I'm grateful that God knew what it would take to get me out of my comfort zone, and let lose on my grip held so tightly to my hometown treasures. He's working on me, and I'm happy to let him. There is no way being chiseled and sculpted could be a seamless process free of surgery and stitches. It's going to hurt a little and I was a fool to think it wouldn't. But I'll be better for it after.

I went to a volleyball game Thursday night. Three of my kids are on the team. I went to this game after a full eleven hour day at school including the usual hour early I get to school, and the 2.5hr faculty meeting after school. I don't tell you this to impress you, or one-up you, or make you feel sorry for me. But to explain what I DO get from this job. I DO get relationships with kids. And no matter how rough the other 5-8 hours of my days are, I still have my kiddos. And they, are the reason I went for this job in the first place. Felt good to be a spectator. Felt good to watch, and cheer, and leave at the end of the game. I don't miss coaching one bit. I miss Gauthier, and Roach, and Everett, and Shorty. I miss my Perry kiddos. But I don't miss coaching. That was someone else's dream I had stepped into there.

Every body's workin' for the weekend. And I had a fun one. Rainey street Friday night holds a ton of old houses that have been remodeled and turned into bars. They are so pretty and homey, what a great idea! Chili, cornbread, and movie night with friends Saturday. Church, nap, and Unicycle Football game today. Got to reunite with a few peeps from the hitchhiking race tonight, which is always great.

Not a lot of deep thoughts or inspired writing tonight. Just a peaceful week. I'll leave you with a quote from a book I have 25 pages left of. I want a man who has this quality, just like Charlie Bundrum.

"Charlie still climbed the ladder every day with a hammer dangling from his hip, still fished when it suited him, and still seemed at his best, at his happiest with children on the floor at his feet, or doing chin-ups on his skinny forearms. Ava loved them, too, but Charlie...well, Charlie just owned them, owned their hearts, as he owned the hearts of his own children. Some men are just blessed that way. Some men walk in the room, and babies laugh out loud." -Ava's Man by Rick Bragg