Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Along came a spider, and sat down beside her

There have been some challenges in the teaching field of being a guest Scientist to the little ones. I wont get into the owl pellets disected, the cow stomachs, or the sticky marshmallows. As if those weren't enough, I have TWICE had too babysit a TARANTULA!!!


I have to get my supplies for the next day, the night before. One of our programs is about bugs. I've gotten used to the dead bug specimens we pass around the room and talk about. But when they told me I would have to take two cages...one containing a tarantula, the other containing 2 hissing cockroaches...well i almost drew the line. If it weren't for the paycheck needed, I might have drawn the line...in thick paint. It was quite a sight during the first class...so there I was, breathing deeply, siking myself up to take their cages out of a box. "You can do this carisse, you can DO this!". So i did it. And while i still have shivers traveling throughout my spine when I see bugs, i became a little braver this week. By the 6th class I taught I had named the tarantula "Harry" and became ok with blowing air on him through the top of the cage to get him to move for the kids. I've also named the hissing cockroaches. Kurt, and his other brother Kurt...after my boss...whose idea this was in the first place.

Im not saying I wont scream at the sight of the next bug i have to kill in my apartment or my car. But perhaps my screaming will hold a slightly lower volume with all my newfound bravery.