Wednesday, June 24, 2009

In the ghetto

If you listen to the stories of the kids I teach, it's enough to make you consider the drive if you bought a house in Corinth. Sure I could buy a house in Carrollton and have a shorter drive to work...but when I hear about my kids' uncles and brothers who are in gangs and initiations leave pets strung up in trees, houses robbed, cars stolen...its enough to make you think the northern suburbs might not be so bad.

Corinth is a quiet little town in between the bigger cities of Lewisville and Denton. Its near the lake, and from what I can tell so far, its a community of average income folk who work hard, and rest on the lake in their spare time. Sounded like the perfect choice for real estate resell value, and a peaceful place for this super busy coach on the weekends. UNTIL MONDAY!!!

The story you can read in the link above is both shocking and scary. A greasy, 50yr. old man, who's lived in Corinth for the past 2 years, walked up to a woman holding an infant, in a park .5 miles from the HOUSE I JUST BOUGHT...and shot her in the jaw in broad daylight. She dropped her infant on the concrete and her 4yr. old son saw everything. This happened Monday! I was just out there painting Monday evening!

While this story does make me a little more cautious about locking my doors and running really just reinforces the point I've been trying to make to my mother since I was 16. SAFETY. IS. RELATIVE.

Sure there are situations to put yourself in that are less risky than others. I don't plan on walking a tight rope anytime soon and testing God to see if he will keep me from breaking my neck. I don't intend on walking across the highway on faith that I will not be run over. But lets face and risk...are present together...anywhere. For example: the churches and schools that have endured shootings. The old people who died in the freeze in Oklahoma a couple years ago. I could easily fall off the ladder I'm painting on later today.

I saw the movie "Taken" not long ago, and got a little edgy about me and another GIRL going to Thailand alone. I reflect on travel experiences I've had in the past that COULD have gone very wrong, COULD have probably scripted the next horror movie...but here's what I think. I think paranoia has no place in Faith. Its no way to live life. When its my time to go, it'll be time. It is what it is. I might get a long life, i might not. My death might have a negative effect. But its not my choice. My job on earth is to Love as much as I can, and trust that God has this show under control. My job is to take steps in faith each day. Sometimes that means doing things moving, or new jobs, or meeting people, or standing up for myself.

I am learning to trust the Lord. Very slowly, but I am learning. I had to let go of someone this hurt a lot...and i know a lot of pain was caused...but I think in the long run, it was the more selfless road to follow. More on that later...

In conclusion, I believe everyone I know should move to Corinth, TX in order to weed out all of the crazy-old-white-men that own storage units full of guns. Its the only way!