I dont feel good today. Probably the worst time to pour out your feelings on a public blog is during times like this, when I feel all depressive and pitiful. It's quite possible that 2 weeks from now I will read this with a chipper laugh and wonder what the heck was wrong with me. However today, I feel like crapola.
Maybe its just late in the month? Maybe its all the cloud cover and cold weather that i despise so much? Maybe its my current stress level? Who knows? I'm sure I could blame this long lasting mood on any excuse of my choice, but it wont change the fact that i'm just feeling blue this week.
I've been so rude lately. And to people who don't deserve it. I've just been snappy and lazy and highly irritable for no reason. I'm stressed about the amount of work I have to finish at my job before friday at 4pm. But, its all work I can handle so why am i allowing stress to creep in?
I dont feel like doing anything, or going anywhere, yet I'll get bored after a couple of hours at home. I feel fat. My face is breaking out. And the to-do list just seems to get longer and longer. I wish I could drop everthing and move to the beach for a while. I wish I had a husband. I wish I had a puppy (and time to take care of it). I wish I made good decisions. I wish I felt as close to God as I did in college.
There's my whiny rampage.