Thursday, January 27, 2011


I've been browsing through old pictures since beginning photography class, and analyzing them with all my new found knowledge. Throughout this perusing, I noticed that my face is conditioned only to portray a few faces. You see, when asked to pose for a picture, I get socially awkward...especially when notorious post-that-very-night-facebookers take my picture...I'm so very UNphotogenic that when the panic sets in...well you are sure to witness one of the following:

The first has become a signature, the "SMILE AS HARD AS YOU CAN" face. I first happened upon this face once in college while looking completely rough with no makeup and probably a few days sans showering. If you smile hard enough, the picture becomes an attempt at comedy, thus making the viewer forgetful of all possible eye baggage, acne, and hair grease.

I make my friends do this face...

 This face especially works when the sun is beating your retinas...

Like Auntie, like Niecey...

Sometimes friends choose not to participate in the special face pose...

And, sometimes friends are too cool to join in with the face...

Perhaps true friends wouldn't allow this stupid face in the first place!!!

Though there is speculation that the signature face has helped me pick up guys.

Speaking of guys...wanna see what happens when I'm asked to take a picture next to a man? Any male really. Doesn't even matter if I'm interested in them or not. Scientists speculate this kind of behavior may be the key influence to my current single-as-a-dollar-bill status. I call this, "PERHAPS A SIMPLE SMILE WOULD HAVE BEEN MORE APPROPRIATE". Scaring men away around the world, without further adieu...





And we wonder why I don't have a boyfriend. This last section is titled, "WHAT WAS I THINKING AND WHY IS IT NOT DELETED?"

What happens if I put the camera here?...

"Let's see your Chicago for Dummies face"...

Overdramatic plastic glass malfunction...

This is how I take a break...

I think the "moose" began at a St.Patricks Day parade. I have no idea why...

Why wouldn't I make the same face as the statue?