Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sorry it was Friday night...

I'd like to somewhat apologize for my outburst last night. Not that I take it back, because those are my true feelings, and at times I get overwhelmed and need an outlet. But because I realized today how whiny and spoiled I am. The Lord just gave me an incredible summer, full of adventure and life and fun, and He gave me the means to experience those things, He kept me safe in my multiple life-threatening situations, gave me  beautiful and cozy place to come home to...and all I can do is complain about what I DON'T have.

As I was cleaning my wonderful house this morning, I had some thoughts. Maybe God is protecting me because He knows how quickly I attach myself to men? I've had the dream of getting out of Dallas for so long, and now we are steadily creeping upon June 2012 when I pray I get to see that reality. SO where would a man in Dallas fit into that dream? Is he going to come with me? Is he going to break my heart before I go? Would I compromise my long awaited dream and stay here, if I met him?

And so, I remember my goals and dreams. I find joy in that, so many have already come true. I find joy in that, while I couldn't make Nick happy, someone else can and is...and his happiness is important to me.

Oh and just so you know super awkward  and interview-esque as blind dates are, I'm open to them...but no one younger than 27. Any thing younger seems cougar/cradle robber status as I'm a femal turning 30 in a few months. Profile? I suppose this blog/facebook says it all. I like traveling, live music, and teaching. In that order. I just want someone with similar interests who would pray with me. That can't be too much to ask is it?

P.S. Thank you God for the rain and keeping my mother's house from burning down.