Saturday, August 7, 2010



I thought this film was really interesting. I like documentaries anyway...but this one actually answered part of a question I've had for a long time...where does our food come from? We are such blind consumers as I am a part of a generation who has grown up entirely in a grocery store. I've said it before and I'm serious, if grocery stores were taken away and I had to find my own food, I would be a vegetarian no question! I can't imagine killing anything. Yet the food I consume daily came from SOMEwhere. SOMEone grew it, killed it, packaged it, put it on a truck and sent it to a store near me. Thats a lot of work for me to have flavors that satisfy my mouth. I was also fortunate to grow up in an upper-middle-class environment where I even had the choice to eat foods that TASTE good. I remember my kiddos from Fortress just being happy to get anything in their stomach, unconcerned with luxuries like "taste".

This film begs me to ask the question, what can I do with this new information in my brain? I suppose a long-term goal would be to operate a garden in my backyard. But, a more realistic and simple goal might simply to start by shopping at Whole Foods. Researching the food inside my belly will take time, but can be attained eventually. But the quickest solution I can provide myself TODAY, is shop once/week or twice/month at Whole Foods. (I am a super huge fan of this store since I took a tour). Yes it is more expensive and out of the way. However, the film makes a valid arguement. For those of us not devoted to picket signs and letters to congressmen, whats the easiest way we can vote? By what we purchase! If I choose to pay an extra dollar or two to buy cage-free eggs...then I am VOTING to say, yes, i think chickens should be free to roam about and eat organic things before they pop out an egg that I will ingest.

One of the more interesting points of the film is from the leader of Stonyfield Farms who has products inside walmart. He realized that maybe in our economy the story shouldnt be David against Goliath...but David needed to BECOME Goliath. And the buyer from Walmart admitted...he doesnt care where the products come from, he cares what the consumer wants that puts a paycheck in his pocket. So if people BUY Stonyfield Farms, then Walmart would CARRY Stonyfield Farms. FASCINATING.

Which leads me to #2 on my Carisse 2.0 list:

#2. Take into consideration where my food comes from and VOTE WITH MY PURCHASES!!