Saturday, August 21, 2010


I don't pray anywhere near as often as I should. In fact, most of the time, I seek answers from everyone within an earshot of me, fully intending to pray about it later, when I have time, when i have my journal out and ready to go. For some reason I feel like God can hear me better when i write it down. How often do I go back and do that though?

And yesterday, while sitting by the pool I was discussing one of my trials with a friend that I wasn't even aware was remotely religious. He said, "Do you know what my answer to everthing is now?...Pray about it!".

But this is something I would like to change about myself. I should be going to God FIRST. Whether great matters or small, thats who I should be talking to. And then I should probably also stick around for an answer. I find it so difficult to be quiet and still, even for a few minutes. No wonder I struggle with making decisions for myself. I am so used to collecting everyone else's opinions and putting a significant amount of weight in them, that I have trouble being decisive for myself. I typically get into conversations where the other party ends with, "...well, I think thats something only you can decide."

I would love to have clear answers. Simple yes and no cards would suffice. I would give anything to ask God a question just before I went to bed, and then wake up with a little card on my pillow that says "yes"...or "no" depending on the situation. I wish His silence was not an option. I get so frustrated with silence. And it seems to come more often than answers.

#4...Pray. Always. In everything.