Friday, March 9, 2012


"I hear addicts talk about the shakes and panic attacks and the highs and lows of resisting their habit, and to some degree I understand them because I have had habits of my own, but no drug is so powerful as the drug of self. No rut in the mind is so deep as the one that says I am the world, the world belongs to me, all people are characters in my play. There is no addiction so powerful as self-addiction." -Blue Like Jazz

Whining is natural for me, I realize that. I whine about my job, I whine about where I live, I whine about Jon giving up on me...or most men for that matter. I whine about circumstances, about my weight, about what he said she said. I do these out of envy, anger, distrust, entitlement, fear, insecurity, and lack of faith. My big desire is to weave my own life to be a movie in which I am the great and glorified star character.

And then....and then I come across something like an Invisible Children video. I see people using their time on Earth to love God and others more than themselves, and I think...what freedom!