Monday, March 12, 2012

This Year's Love

Shivering in bed with a fever for two days straight is not how I envisioned Spring Break looking this year. But, that's what has happened, and I'm really grateful I'm already off work this week and don't have to have a sub. I'm also glad I didn't already have some jet setting planned that I would need to cancel. Please pray for me though, the flu is NO fun, in fact, its pretty miserable. My fever began saturday morning, lasted through the weekend, and today when I woke up in a pool of my own sweat but feeling capable of a shower, I knew fever had finally broke. Today I feel like I had minimal to no fever. Still took it easy and rested and slept all day, and am just praying for improvement from here on out.

My roomate has been the greatest to me during this. Willing to go to the store, and make me a "sick chair" in the living room, renting movies...she's been awesome! Because of her job, she has plans to move before the year is out...and to be honest I've kind of been looking forward to a phase in my life where I get to experience living alone. I have ALWAYS lived with roomates. And all my roomates have always been awesome, no complaints there. But now I just wonder...what would I have done with this illness if I had been all alone and can't get out of bed? Who would I call? What would I do? Sickness has such away of rearranging priorities and surfacing what's important.

p.s. I'm watching the Bachelor right now because I like to lose brain cells...but here is a song from it that I had forgotten how much I love. And sort of true for anyone I end up dating this year :)