Friday, November 30, 2007


I haven't actually heard anyone here use the term, "Crikey!" until we got to the Australia (Steve Irwin) Zoo. I guess the saying is comparable to the general public believing people from Texas say things like, "My lands", and "For Pete's sake" my mom DOES say both of those. Ha. Kiddin mom. If you're going to say CRIKEY! though, you have to put both thumbs out in the air when you do it. Go head, give it a try...

I really liked this zoo. You, my close friends, know how I feel about caged animals, and how I hate the idea of a circus...but I liked this place. There seemed to be an overall deep passion and care for not only the animals...(some were bred in captivity and some were rescued by Steve)...but I also really admired the deep concern for the environment in which these animals inhabit, and are losing their homes due to construction and pollution.
My favorite part was probably the tiger show. I was not aware how high and fast they are able to climb trees and get what they want. Incredible. Some of us pondered the details of the animals and the reasoning God made them....and........Some of us learned about the facts of life that day....Hudson hasn't stopped asking should probably have the talk with the kids before entering the Kangaroo Haven.
I can't believe what little time we have left. EVERYONE GO SEE "Into the Wild". It is by far the best movie of the year, and just went into my favorite movie category last night.