Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Tale of Stradysburg

Awarded the 2005 Emmy and 2006 Golden Globe for Best Drama Series, "Lost" returns for its seventh season of action-packed mystery and adventure -- that will continue to bring out the very best and the very worst in the people who are lost.

After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner freedom they never knew they had in order to survive. But they discovered that the island holds many secrets, including pirates, pubs, and the peculiar tribes of skinny-jean-wearing emo kids known as "The Others." The survivors have also found the backpacks of those who came to the island before them, from other freedom seekers who attempted to escape the corporate world that begins each day with an alarm clock.

As the second part of Season Seven opens, new characters, Shaster and Clarice are washed upon the shore after a tragic surfing lesson had sucked two girls out to sea. The long awaited twist is finally uncovered as the camera pans high up overhead to reveal that the survivors are not at all stranded...but in actuality have landed on Stradbroke Island, about 23km off the coast of Australia. Knowing full well that there is a ferry able to solve all problems on the north side of the island, the girls plot a sabotage in attempts to take over and put an end to this show!

In order to divide and conquer, the scheme begins as Clarice climbs the tallest of trees near the commonly used kitchen part of the beach to first lure Hurley with the great American pumpkin pie. He and the rest of the cast take the bait and are hoisted into the air. Swinging from the net, there is one foul-mouthed savage who was mistakenly swept up in the smell of the cooking pie. On second glance he is not one of the survivors, but is none other than Maurice Mac, the legendary pirate of the high seas! He is released from apprehension and indeed, it was love at first sight. Once married, Clarice and
Maurice then set out to locate Shaster, ready to prepare for Island take-over. Shaster has found a love interest as well, while charting maps with Sayid over a romantic campfire. What began as two has now become four and domination is within reach. That is...until Shaster has a flashback and remembers her days as a homeless bum on the
streets when she lived off hitchikes from strangers and bottles of Lambrusco for breakfast. Sayid suddenly seems familiar to her, and she recognizes him as the evil trucker who once picked her up and pulled out her nose ring (after only in for 3 weeks). The rest of the cast comes into full view as the girls notice that Kate has a striking resemblance to Clarice's college dorm director and Jack has the same ugly tattoo that was on the left arm of the very surf instructor that lead them here in the first place!

A trap! It was a trap all along! The girls and Maurice are thrown into a hole on the side of the
cliffs and are left with nothing but tears as they watch the entire cast sail back to Australia stuffing their mouths with gelato.

They are left alone on Stradbroke Island to fend for themselves and wait until morning for the next ferry to appear and the show is able to continue into an eighth season. If you loved "Lost" you will love the hit series' new spin off, "Found" that will be airing this fall and will dig deeper into the adventures of Shaster and Clarice as they make a roadrip from the Grand Canyon up through the west coast of North America and into the quest that awaits them in Alaska.

My mom gets nervous when I dont blog so here's the crazy I came up with today. Stradbroke Island is literally the prettiest beach I've ever seen. Tuesday we went surfing and I got my body rocked by the ocean. I'm not at all good at surfing, but I love trying...and after the scratches I got on my thighs I broke down and bought some board-shorts to be better prepared for next time! Now, who wants to buy me a skateboard for Christmas??!!

P.S....I wrote the story based on the pictures we took and some jokes we had. No outside source was consumed in the creation of this piece. Blogger is so annoying with organizing it's photo part.