Friday, December 17, 2010


You would think the twenty minutes left AFTER everyone in the classroom has finished their semester exam is equal to one billion years. I've decided it's not a great idea to just tell kids to hang out with each other...because eighth graders have the attention span of a gnat and I need to remember that if I don't want to hear, "Miss I'm SOOOOO bored!", every three minutes...then I need to come up with some sort of quiet game to keep them entertained.

However, I have two girls in one of my classes who are capable of occupying themselves, and content to chat and doodle. Therefore, I shall award their creative artwork with a display on my beloved blog...that they will never see...because they are students and have no knowledge of my life outside that classroom.

This is a picture of me if I were a robot. I have no idea...we've not studied robots...but come to think of it, my nephew was talking about robots a lot at Thanksgiving...I suppose robots are the hip thing right now and am going to assume this drawing is a compliment? I know its me because in the bottom right corner there is a caption that reads, "thats you" with an arrow pointing to the character.You'll notice a scarf around my neck because I am perpetually cold and have worn a scarf, all day every day since outside temps have dropped below seventy degrees...while the kids continue to wear shorts. They drew a heart on the left side of my chest, which was sweet...I'm hoping that's because they know I love them, and not because of that one time I thought I was having heart palpatations in the middle of teaching. My glasses are square shaped and apparently my hair is thinning and shorter than I thought. My legs are stick thin, which is sweet, but I'm more concerned about the shape of my rectangular figure is definitely not what it used to be!

Love my kids!

[P.S. I've decided not to write any more about my personal drama with Nick. I'm certain you all are bored to tears of hearing about it anyway. He's really done nothing wrong, and probably doesn't deserve my persecution. I miss him...terribly...but we've made our choices and it is what it is. I do wish him well, and I still pray for him everyday. I hope he is happy and life is going great. I thought my life was over when Luke and I broke up and now we've ended up being friends. Who knows, perhaps Nick and I can do the same...after a little more crazy ex-girlfriend recovery on my end :) ]