Thursday, February 17, 2011

Big Talk Today

So just in case I decide to stick around one more year here, so that I can leave with some cash in my pocket...I'm having the big talk with my principal today to ask her to take me out of coaching and allow me to teach full-time. My goal is to "teach her" why I would be more beneficial to this school as just a teacher. I borrowed the idea of using paint from here are a few of the pictures I made.

The presentation goes a little something like this...but MUCH more professional...

"Hi Mrs.Principal, I'd like to take a minute to discuss my career goals with you."

"I really love teaching....just the teaching part."

"I don't want to just be any ole teacher, I want to be an amazingly awesome great teacher! You know like a Freedom Writers, Stand and Deliver, Lean On Me kind of teacher!!!"

"Though Coaching has made for a fantastic last 3 years..."

"I would really appreciate if you would consider moving me into a FULL-TIME teaching position next year. And get me the *&#$ out of *%$#!@& Coaching for crying out loud."

Thank you for your time.