Sunday, April 17, 2011


Get ready, I'm about to sound materialistic and frivolous. Which I am to some degree, but I don't spend a ton of money outside concerts and plane tickets so lay off. Just a warning, I'm probably about to sound like a 12yr. old but I'm okay with that you know why? The 12yr. olds I know are a thousand times more active than I am so I think there is a thing or two to be learned there...

First of all, I just bought these hot rollers at walmart the other day and they are amazeballs. I haven't used hot rollers since high school, and I forgot how both 1.easy they are, and 2. bigtime voluminous they make my getting longer hair. LOVE THEM.

I'd really like to get a dslr camera. My little Nikon cool pix point and shoot has served its time weening me into fancier cameras...but I still can't change lenses and flash with it like I could with a dslr. Now which to choose? My photography teacher says that Cannon and Nikon are the Ford and Chevy of cameras. Hmmm which to choose?

It's roller derby season! After seeing "Whip It" I really wanted to find a roller derby team to try out for...but then I went with Darby and Randy to see an actual Roller Derby in Austin and well, those girls would totally kick my teeth in. They were kinda big and vicious. And I'm not looking to be in a body cast anytime soon, however, skates are cool and I would LOVE to have some outdoor skates! Real skates not roller blades. Roller blades are dumb.

I WANT TO LEARN THE PIANO!!!! I'm sure it wouldn't cost all that much to just get a basic little keyboard right? Every time I listen to Ben Folds I wonder how hard some of his songs would be to play. I love the piano. I also love the violin, but I've already taken piano lessons, so all I would need is some good old fashioned practice!

I remember my friend Gunnar had one of these at his house in high school. He was a wake boarder so I guess he used it for balance. But, it was so fun to try to balance and wobble back and forth on it. Fun for party's, for for standing around and talking, just fun. Where do you even buy one of these in Texas?

I've wanted a skateboard since about my 8th grade year in middle school. Sometimes in L.A. I get to ride Toby's long board and it is SO fun. I'd love to get good at it and be able to coast around anywhere.

Also, I've been on a big Radiohead kick lately. Couldn't embed this video but click on the link below for a good time and one of my favorites.