Monday, October 1, 2007

Big Day Off

There are no words in the English language to describe my weekend, therefore I shall be forced to make one up...Scrumtrulescent. I have decided to take you through a visual nut-shell of our weekend trip. Buckle your seatbelt!!!

DISCLAIMER: For those of you who have ever thought me mildly attractive (thanks mom), I beg you to prepare yourself for the bucket of UGLY that you are about to see. Geez, these pictures are so hideous I can't believe I'm putting them on the internet. But they crack me up, so maybe you will too.

We drive to Tin-Can-Bay with our lovely friend Victoria and set up the biggest tent ever to sleep in....Victoria did most of the setting up. Just next door to the crazy drunkard.
Through a series of unmentionable events we end up in an ambulance...non-neck-related. Shasta got on my nerves one time too many.
Yo, ho, ho, the Pirates of Tin-Can-Bay Arrrgh!...and I saw a wild dolphin.

What's that I see in the distance? Is it Moby Dick?

It IS a great, white, something!...Shasta caught a carisse-codfish.

This is Rainbow Beach. The name comes from all of the different colored sands, which you can clearly see in the distant cliffs...that somehow didn't make the picture.

Gympie is one of the most BEAUTIFUL places I have ever seen. I was so sad that the picture couldn't capture reality.

It's SO, so big. The grass looks like green velvet. It's springtime here, and I wish I had a horse to ride around on.
Tune in next-time for "Adventures of Shaster & Clarice".