Saturday, September 1, 2007


So...Satan opened a bakery, and it was there that I apparently sought employment. My co-workers are cool, its just the couple that owns it are bread-nazis. My first few days were rough I'll tell you why: DON'T expect me to do things you haven't told me about yet, DON'T take 20 min. to show me how to wash windows...I have a degree thanks...and DON'T talk down to me and roll your eyes...I'm a grown woman from Texas for crying out loud! It's not all loves and skittles over here, and I would be ignorant to have assumed this entire trip would be easy. After the yesterday of hell I had, I came home and Andrea (preacher's wife) talked to me about how it was up to me to show the love of Christ in a place like this, and she's right. Its times like these that I could definitely quit, get by on my savings and personality...but then I wouldn't be proving my character and what I am made of. So I decided to stick it out...

Andrea prayed for me this morning, and here's what happened. The owners were gone all afternoon and didn't show up until the last few hours. The girl they left in charge was SOOO kind and gentle, about my age, and do you know what her name was?...Grace.

I've never felt prayer answered so quickly before this trip. But I can't explain things any other way. I don't believe God necessarily always works this way, but He sure has been visible here.

After work, Shast met me at South Bank and we went to the River Fire Festival. Aside from the couple making out infront of me, it was really cool. Fireworks are my favorite thing ever, especially when there is some great music to go along with it. It went on for 30 minutes and it opened and closed with these big jets that would fly by, drop their fuel, and set it on fire. Well done Brisbane.