Wednesday, July 25, 2012

East Coast Tour part 2-(D.C.)...

The problem with writing these blogs way after the fact is that I'm not so in the mood to tell stories and create vivid pictures as I was each night as the days had unfolded. Perhaps I need to start carrying my laptop with me on trips? I've always avoided it, but I think it'd be a good idea. So I dropped Mel and Luke off at the airport in Baltimore, spent the night with my brother in Maryland, and picked up John in D.C. the next day. D.C. was fun. That was the third (and probably the final) time I've been there. We went through the Museum of Natural History, the Air and Space Museum, and the Native American Museum.

Reminds me of Night at the Museum II...

Little Washington Monument

Big Washington Monuement

We got to stay with my friends Jason and Hannah in D.C. I love this couple so much. Jason is the ACU guy I randomly met in Australia. They were so sweet to feed us and let us stay at their place. It took me like 10 minutes to figure out the timer on my new camera in this picture. This was the best I could do without the manual or the tripod :)

Jefferson Memorial