Friday, August 17, 2007

No Worries

I'm in Sydney, I'm safe. The 14.5 hour flight wasn't bad at ALL. Qantas is a great airline and keeps you busy with snacks, your own screen to view movies, tv, music. The trip went by suprisingly fast and wasn't painful at all. I got a little nervous waiting in the terminal when Shasta says, " do you have your work visa papers printed out that say you CAN'T GET INTO THE COUNTRY without this slip of paper??" which I frantically hoped those very papers were in the bag I had just checked onto the plane. Thank the sweet Lord we ended up not needing them in customs later.

All of this to say, Shasta has now been appointed head of all Administration and Clerical work for this trip...while I have been elected, Social Chair. Thats right, she gets us to and fro...and I make us friends along the way. Until next time mates!